
Our membership is open to all. On or off the stage, everyone plays a crucial role bringing each production to life. Support and encouragement is offered to all.

We have opportunities of all kinds, be sure to Contact Us with your questions and requests.

E60 Membership

Become an E60 member to volunteer in our productions.

Membership Benefits

Voting privileges at the Annual general Meeting
Privilege to serve on the board of directors
Discounts for select local plays
Pre-order tickets in advance of Friends of E60
Free dinner and a show
Access to use of the Playhouse
Access to use of the E60 equipment
A free East of Sixty t-shirt

Membership fees
Adult $10.00
Youth (17 and under) $5.00
Membership expires August 31st annually

Membership Application forms may be obtained at the AGM each fall, at a volunteering event or by email. Full Membership fee can be paid by cheque, cash or eTransfer. All Memberships must be approved by the Board.